Use Nimbuzz to call your friends for free no matter where they are and enjoy unbeatable audio quality and ease-of-use, powered by the latest state-of-the art audio engine.
Cheap international calling
Buy NimbuzzOut credits and make low-cost international calls directly from your PC to landlines and mobile phones anywhere in the world. Plus, you'll never forget a name or number by storing all your important contacts in the Nimbuzz Phonebook. You can also make calls using your favorite Internet call provider (SIP/VoIP
صورة البرنامج:
Cheap international calling
Buy NimbuzzOut credits and make low-cost international calls directly from your PC to landlines and mobile phones anywhere in the world. Plus, you'll never forget a name or number by storing all your important contacts in the Nimbuzz Phonebook. You can also make calls using your favorite Internet call provider (SIP/VoIP
صورة البرنامج:
لتحميل البرنامج ؛؛ اضغط هنا ؛؛
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